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Featured Project – Sunrise English Private School’s Organic farm

The possibility of adopting organic farming as a means of promoting sustainable agriculture has been the main objective of this project. Organic manure has the added advantage of providing more healthy vegetables for human consumption and ensuring optimum soil fertility for sustainable production.

Our Eco club members of Sunrise started an organic farm in our School premise in 2018. We started with some vegetables and medicinal plants. Now it has expanded with a variety of fruits like papaya, pomegranate, avocado, mango and more.

In 2019 we started a new way of farming – Microgreens – making a highly nutritious salads in 10 days.

Students used to bring sprouted seeds of moong and methi. Grow them in pots and harvest in 10 days.

Another attraction of our farm is we started growing plants without soil. HYDROPONICS – plants can be grown throughout the year and they give double the amount of yield and profit in less time and in all climates while compared with normal farming. This farming is totally eco-friendly as no harm such as usage of insecticides or pesticides which harm our mankind and environment are used.

Another plus point of our farm is we are making organic manure from the school itself by using the Machine Smart Cara. An example for artificial intelligence in the Environment. Students collect waste from home and make the manure the farm has developed into a place where a variety of groups are involved in growing food.

More on Sunrise English Private School and their activities here


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2041 ClimateForce Green Hope NYU Abu Dhabi - Community Outreach DP World Compassion in World Farming Windsor Castle: College of St George UAE Ministry of Education International Fund for Animal Welfare